Expert tips to keep your hair healthy

Expert tips to keep your hair healthy
02/03/2016 Jack

One thing the ladies adore is a ‘do full of health and life. The conundrum for your crop, however is that staying alive isn’t as simple as the Bee Gees made out. Some efforts and effervescence must be applied in order to achieve the hair that the woman of your dreams desires.

No.1 – Drying
The building blocks of your barnet are protein and keratin; the latter becomes vulnerable when your hair is wet. Remember, your hair has no blood supply and no nervous system; each rough ruffle with a towel is toying with the strength of each strand on your head.
So here is what we suggest:
• Use warm water, not hot
• Gently dry your hair with a towel by wiping and patting in its natural direction
• Avoid blow drying
• Don’t wash your hair too often, this will spoil the protective oils

No.2 – Gym and Trim
The quality of your hair is usually an indication of how well you are treating your whole self, both physically and mentally. If your lifestyle is one which leaves you in heaps of stress and keeps you in a routine of fast food and booze; the chances are that this isn’t helping to nurse or nurture the nest on your noddle. Also, if you are of sound mind, body and soul; you are more likely to make the effort to attend to your hair with the tender love and care it deserves.

Maintenance is the name of the game if you want your perm to be one that appears, feels and is permanently strong, shiny and healthy. The upkeep of your general health as well as regular trips to see Jack will help because our trained master barbers can diagnose any problems and swiftly serve up the solution. Of course, a frequent visit to one of our shops is also a sure way to stay looking sharp and ready for business.
Quick tips:
• Substances applied to your hair can only do three things – conceal, corrode or create texture
• A healthy diet is the only true way to improve the natural make up of the hair
• Soy, meat and dairy products are the best protein supplements for your hair
• Haircuts are the only remedy to damaged hair

No.3 – Picking a Product

Choose your shampoo as meticulously as you would choose a date. Although that statement largely depends on how promiscuous you are, you get the point – be fussy with the stuff you marinade your mullet in. From pomades to pastes and creams to clays, the product is just as likely to damage your hair as polish it – unless you know what you’re doing.

A poor quality shampoo which you nonchalantly plucked from the supermarket shelf is likely to break down healthy hair. As per your new year’s resolutions, you should avoid products with alcohol in them because it drains your locks of moisture and dissolves the natural oils.

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What to look for:

  • Nut and seed oils
  • Sodium citrate or citric acid
  • Raw and natural ingredients
  • Minimal chemical content